Municipal By-law Enforcement

Horton Township has hired the services of Municipal Law Enforcement Services Inc. to investigate complaints related to property standards and municipal by-laws. This company can be reached at 613-281-3773 or e-mail

Please refer to the Complaint Procedure and the Complaint Form for regristration of a complaint.

pdf fileClean Yards By-law

This By-law requires properties to be kept clean and free from junk and/or debris. The By-law also contains provisions for an Order to bring the property into compliance and fines are applicable!

pdf fileNoise By-law

This is a by-law to maintain an environment free from unusual, unnecessary, or excessive noise or vibration which may unreasonably degrade the quality and tranquility of their life or cause nuisance

pdf fileAnimal Control By-law

This By-law regulates the keeping and control of animals, or any class thereof, the animal identification system, licensing and restraint of dogs certain other aspects of animal control within the Township of Horton.

pdf fileProperty Standards By-law

This is a by-law to provide standards for the maintenance and occupancy of Urban and Rural property within the Township of Horton.

Complaint Forms/procedure

2 files - see all files