Chair Doug Humphries
Public Advisory Members Tyler Anderson and Bob Kingsbury
1. Mandate
The Transportation and Environmental Services Committee is a standing Committee of Council of the Township of Horton. It reviews for recommendation to Council reports, policies, projects and levels of service specific to Transportation and Environmental Services functions.
2. Focus
The Transportation and Environmental Services Committee’s areas of focus are generally as follows:
3. Composition
The Transportation and Environmental Services Committee is comprised of two members of Council and up to three Public Advisory Members. One will be the Chair and the other will be the Co-Chair, as appointed on the recommendation of the Mayor. The Public Advisory Members are chosen by Council, through an application-based system, per Term of Council. Public Advisory Members must be a property owner, majority shareholder, resident or tenant of the Township and is to provide input on Committees in an advisory capacity.
The Chair will preside over the portion of the Council Meeting dedicated to Transportation and Environmental Services items and serves as a sounding board and Council-liaison for the responsible departments.
The Mayor is ex-officio on every Standing Committee of Council. The Mayor may participate fully in the meeting business, however, shall not be counted as part of the quorum nor make recommendations.